Sarah (Portrait by Ken Foster)
David (Portrait by Ken Foster)
Our office
Sarah and David met through mutual interest in environmentally sustainable architecture. They’ve worked together since 1994. A long-time friend says, “They've been ‘green' since chlorophyll."
Sarah Holland is a registered architect. She grew up in upstate New York. She graduated from high school early and spent two summers in Alaska canning fish and living in a tent to pay her way to college. She earned a Bachelor of Architecture from the Boston Architectural College after graduating from SUNY Buffalo and attending the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She came to Maine to work with renowned fabric-structure designer Bill Moss, put down roots, married, and started a private practice in 1991. Throughout her career she has focused on sustainable design and renewable energy. Sarah lives in Camden, Maine with her husband Peter Jones, a potter, photographer, and cave explorer.
David Foley is a designer, builder, researcher and teacher. He grew up in Maine and returned after a stint in California. He married, then spent decades building a home and small homestead, with gardens, orchards, and livestock. He worked for several architecture firms before joining Sarah. He earned a Master of Architecture from the University of California Berkeley, a Masters in Resource Economics from the University of Maine, and a B.A. in Community Design from Dartmouth College. In 1996 he received a fellowship from the German Marshall Fund to study environmental building practices in Europe. He teaches “Sustainable Design Thinking” for Boston College, and he enjoys playing music. David lives in Northport, Maine with his wife Judy Berk, an avid photographer and nature lover.
Where We (Usually) Work
We’re based in Northport, Maine. We work in a small, highly-efficient, zero-net-energy office David built next to his and Judy's home. It overlooks a large garden and orchard with a glimpse of the ocean a few miles away.
We live by the coast, on the western side of Penobscot Bay, 44 degrees North latitude. Winters are long and cold ― a major factor in building design here. The dominant building material has traditionally been wood. Our weather is variable, our friends and neighbors reliable. We love living and working in our small corner of the world — and love to journey from home occasionally for new adventures and challenges.
We usually work in Maine, within a 2 to 3 hour drive from our office. We've also done projects in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Wisconsin and Florida. We’ve collaborated with colleagues on larger projects. The Internet has widened where we can work. There are fine architects throughout the United States and you'll often be well served by a local professional. If you think our particular skills and values would suit your project outside Maine, let’s talk.